Ingrid Amalia Havnes

Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo, Norway
Anabolic-androgenic steroids, PIEDs, health risks, hypogonadism, biopsychosocial treatment, harm reduction

Ingrid Amalia Havnes, MD, PhD, is a specialist in psychiatry and general practice. Her current position is senior consultant and researcher at Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital and associate professor at Adult Psychiatry Unit, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo. She has 20 years of clinical experience in mental health, liaison psychiatry and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment including outpatient treatment of patients with AAS dependence. She is a part of the Norwegian national Steroid project and the AAS research group at Oslo University hospital. Her research projects explore anabolic-androgenic steroid use and health risks in various subpopulations (patients in SUD treatment, prisoners, women and men) and treatment experiences among people who use AAS. She is currently leading a pilot study involving hormone therapy intervention (testosterone, clomiphene, hCG) to men with a desire to cease anabolic-androgenic steroid use. Her aim is to contribute to fill parts of the knowledge gap regarding treatment of this patient group.

Email, AAS Research Group Oslo University Hospital, Steroidelab