Jörg Krieger

Aarhus University, Denmark
doping, anti-doping, sport history

Jörg Krieger is an Assistant Professor for Sport and Social Science at the Research Unit Sport and Body Culture of Aarhus University. He holds a PhD in Sport History from the German Sport University Cologne and a M.A. in International Sport Policy from the University of Brighton. Following the finalization of his PhD in 2015, he worked as lecturer at the German Sport University before moving to Aarhus in spring 2019.

In the past, Jörg have explored the history of anti-doping science and authored the monograph Dope Hunters: The Influence of Scientists on the Global Fight Against Doping in Sport, 1967-1992. His current research focuses on the institutional history of World Athletics (formerly the IAAF), including its controversial role in the formation of global anti-doping policies. He is a member of the leadership team of the International Network for Doping Research (INDR) and the Chair of the international research network Sport & Society. He is the editor of the International Journal of Sport and Society, and an editorial board member of the Sport History Review and the Journal of Olympic Studies.
