Karine Diedrich

Canadian Center on Substance Abuse, Canada
youth substance use, sports, drugs policy

Karine Diedrich is a Strategic Partnerships Officer at the Canadian Center on Substance Abuse (CCSA), a not-for-profit organization that provides national leadership, evidence-informed analysis and mobilizes collaborative efforts to reduce alcohol- and other drug-related harms. Her current areas of focus include working across sectors to better understand the linkages between sport participation and youth substance use; developing new tracking and knowledge exchange mechanisms for novel psychoactive substances; and, supporting best practice in youth substance abuse prevention. Ms. Diedrich is a Vice President of the Gloucester Recreation Development Organization (GRDO), an organization that delivers affordable recreation and leadership programs for children and youth who may face financial, cultural, or social barriers. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology from Carleton University and a Professional Certificate in Partnership Management from the Norman Patterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA).
