Mikko Salasuo

Finnish Youth Research Society, Finland
doping, prevalence, youth cultures, leisure time, life course studies

Mikko Salasuo is leading Senior Researcher,  Docent, PhD, at the Finnish Youth Research Society and Adjunct Research Fellow in the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research (Australia). His PhD-thesis in 2004 dealt with drug cultures among the Finnish youth from the points of view of social history, sociology, health promotion and criminology. He has since written about youth cultures, use of doping substances, generations, life courses, military and conscripts, youth work, contemporary artists, elite athletes and the post-modern social theories. Salasuo has published/edited over 20 books and large number articles. Salasuo’s expertise is often utilized in the expert work of various ministries. He holds various representative posts in the fields of youth, drug studies, social policy, sports and health promotion. Salasuo takes actively part in societal discussion in the media.

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