Vivian Hope

Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
image and performance enhancing drugs, infections, epidemiology, responses, public health

Vivian Hope, PhD MMedSc, is a Professor of Public Health at the Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University. Prior to joining the Public Health Institute he was a Principal Scientist at Public Health England, where he now holds an honorary appointment. Previously he has held public health research positions at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Imperial College London, and at the University of Birmingham. His work over the last two decades has focused on public health research and intelligence concerned with harms related to the use of a range of drugs and the responses to these. This work has had a particular focus on injecting drug use and infections. He is also interested in the epidemiology of drug use including the use of drugs for human enhancement purposes. Viv is currently involved in a number of projects, and these include work looking at the harms associated with the use and injection of image and performance enhancing drugs and the responses to these harms.
