HEDN Members

Find out how you can join the Human Enhancement Drugs Network.

HEDN Board

Katinka van de Ven
Katinka van de Ven360Edge and Hello Sunday Morning, Australia
HEDN DIRECTOR; human enhancement drugs, steroids, education, drug use and supply, drugs policy, public health
Geoff Bates
Geoff BatesInstitute for Policy Research, University of Bath, UK
CO-DIRECTOR; Image and performance enhancing drugs, Harm reduction, Public health, Interventions, Drug policy
Kyle Mulrooney
Kyle MulrooneyUniversity of New England, Australia
BOARD MEMBER; steroid use and supply, criminal law, law enforcement
Anders Vinther
Anders VintherAarhus University, Denmark
BOARD MEMBER; performance and image enhancing drugs, doping, fitness, public health


Abhijay Choudhary
Abhijay ChoudharyDepartment of Social Science and Humanities (SSH), IIIT-Delhi, India
PHD SCHOLAR; Performance-enhancing drugs and Methods (PEDM), Doping, cyborg athletes, anti-doping policy, ethnographic methods, body project.

Airnel T. Abarra
Airnel T. AbarraUniversity of Physical Education, Hungary
PHD STUDENT; Female bodybuilding, identities, gender, ethnography, outsider research.

Neha Ainsworth
Neha AinsworthKingston University, United Kingdom
PHD STUDENT; performance and image enhancing drugs, gym, fitness

Julio Amaral
Julio AmaralKing's College London, United Kingdom
HUMAN ENHANCEMENT RESEARCHER; human enhancement, anabolic-androgenic steroids, performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs), addiction, psychiatry

Jamie Annakin
Jamie AnnakinBirmingham City University, United Kingdom
IPED RESEARCHER; Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs, Qualitative Research, Public Health, Substance Misuse

Georgios A. Antonopoulos
Georgios A. AntonopoulosTeesside University, United Kingdom
PROFESSOR OF CRIMINOLOGY; anabolic-androgenic steroids, pharmaceuticals, drug supply, law enforcement

Nicholas Athey
Nicholas AtheyUniversity of La Verne, United States
DRUG POLICY RESEARCHER; drug policy, drug markets, cannabis, PIEDs, organized crime, social network analysis
Elena Atienza-Macías
Elena Atienza-MacíasUniversity of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain
POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER; health law, bio-law and bioethics, sports law, doping regulations, big data

Susan Backhouse
Susan BackhouseLeeds Beckett University, United Kingdom
PROFESSOR OF PSYCHOLOGY; performance and image enhancing drugs, doping, anti-doping, prevention, sports

Vassilis Barkoukis
Vassilis BarkoukisAristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR; Doping, anti-doping, image and performance enhancing drugs, education, prevention, competitive sports, recreational sports

Sam Barnes
Sam BarnesArden University, United Kingdom
CRIMINOLOGY LECTURER; Image enhancement drugs, ultra-realism, ethnography, harm, counterfeits
Mark Berry
Mark BerryCardiff University, Wales
PHD STUDENT; anabolic-androgenic steroids, drug supply, organised crime, drugs policy

Barnaby Zoob Carter
Barnaby Zoob CarterUniversity of Birmingham, UK
PHD STUDENT; image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs), anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), bodybuilding, body/muscle dysmorphia, harm reduction

Jorge Domínguez Carrión
Jorge Domínguez CarriónProfessional Worldwide Controls (PWC), Spain
ANTI-DOPING TEST COORDINATOR; anti-doping, education, sports management, digital marketing & Regulations

Rima Chakrabarty
Rima ChakrabartyAustralian Sports Drug Testing Laboratory, Australia
PIED RESEARCHER; analytical, forensic, anti-doping, harm minimisation

Ornella Corazza
Ornella CorazzaUniversity of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR; novel psychoactive substances, image and performance enhancing drugs, body image disorders; identity; public health

Tim Bingham
Tim BinghamIndependent, Ireland
RESEARCHER; anabolic-androgenic steroids, arts-based methods, harm reduction

Jeanett Bjønness
Jeanett BjønnessAarhus University, Denmark
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR; prescription drugs, cognitive enhancers, medicine use, social policy

Cornelia Blank
Cornelia BlankUMIT, Austria
PROFESSOR; Anti-Doping Education, Health Promotion, Evaluation, Youth Sport

Ian Boardley
Ian BoardleyUniversity of Birmingham, United Kingdom
PROFESSOR; Sport; Doping; IPEDs; Cognitive Enhancement; Dance; Fitness; Moral

Rebekah Brennan
Rebekah BrennanUniversity College Cork, Ireland
DRUG SOCIOLOGIST; drug sociology; substance use trends; risk; harm reduction; social justice

Ashley R. Bullard
Ashley R. BullardUniversity of Leeds, United Kingdom
PHD STUDENT; cognitive enhancers, social policy, drugs policy

Anjan Chatterjee
Anjan ChatterjeePennsylvania Hospital, United States
PROFESSOR; neuroscience, bioethics, cognitive enhancers, medicine
Ask Vest Christiansen
Ask Vest ChristiansenAarhus University, Denmark
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR; doping, anti-doping, sports, fitness, sport sociology
Jay Coakley
Jay CoakleyUniversity of Colorado, United States
PROFESSOR; doping, anti-doping, sports, fitness, sport sociology
Rick Collins
Rick CollinsCollins Gann McCloskey & Barry PLLC, United States
DEFENSE LAWYER; anabolic-androgenic steroids, performance enhancing drugs (PEDs), criminal defense, lawyer
Ross Coomber
Ross CoomberUniversity of Liverpool, United Kingdom
PROFESSOR IN CRIMINOLOGY; anabolic-androgenic steroids, performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs), illicit drug use and supply, drugs policy, harm reduction
Luke Cox
Luke CoxKU Leuven, Belgium
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE; aAnti-Doping Policy, Public Health, Ethics, IPEDs, Harm Reduction
Olivier de Hon
Olivier de HonDopingautoriteit, the Netherlands
SCIENTIFIC MANAGER; doping, anti-doping, sports, education
Karine Diedrich
Karine DiedrichCanadian Center on Substance Abuse, Canada
RESEARCHER; youth substance use, sports, drugs policy
Paul Dimeo
Paul DimeoUniversity of Stirling, Scotland
SENIOR LECTURER; doping, anti-doping, sports
Garrison Draper
Garrison DraperPhiladelphia Union, USA
VICE PRESIDENT; Soccer, Heat, Altitude, Travel, Athlete Management, Sport Science
Emeka Dumbili
Emeka DumbiliInstitute for Therapy and Health Research, Germany
SOCIOLOGIST; Performance enhancement drugs; gender, drug policy; psychoactive substances, public health
Matthew Dunn
Matthew DunnDeakin University, Australia
HED RESEARCHER; performance and image enhancing drugs, steroids, public health, harm minimization
Kelsey Erickson
Kelsey EricksonLeeds Beckett University, United Kingdom
DOPING RESEARCHER; doping, anti-doping, sports, cycling, education
Nita A. Farahany
Nita A. FarahanyDuke Law School, United States
PROFESSOR OF LAW & PHILOSOPHY; bioscience, neuroethics, law, philosophy
Kevin Flemen
Kevin FlemenIndependent, United Kingdom
DRUG & ALCOHOL TRAINER; alcohol and other drugs, anabolic-androgenic steroids, workforce, educational trainer
Victoria Felkar
Victoria FelkarUniversity of British Columbia, Canada
HEALTH RESEARCHER; researcher, consultant, women & steroids, female athlete health
Bertrand Fincoeur
Bertrand FincoeurUniversity of Lausanne, Switzerland
SENIOR LECTURER; sports integrity, sports ethics, doping, human enhancement
Renae Fomiatti
Renae FomiattiSchool of Humanities & Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts & Education, Australia
POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW; Cosmeceuticals, enhancement, gender, science and technology studies, sociology
Jennifer Germain
Jennifer GermainLiverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
IPED RESEARCHER; weight-loss drugs, eating behaviours, online research methods
Nick Gibbs
Nick Gibbs Northumbria University, United Kingdom
LECTURER; image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs), social media, ethnography, deviant leisure, ultra-realist criminology
Terry Goldsworthy
Terry GoldsworthyBond University, Australia
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR; performance and image enhancing drugs, drugs supply, organised crime, criminal law
Gill Green
Gill GreenUniversity of Essex, United Kingdom
PROFESSOR OF MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY; image and performance enhancing drugs, public health, social care, harm reduction

Scott Griffiths
Scott GriffithsAustralian National University, Australia
BODY IMAGE RESEARCHER; body image, eating disorders, substance use, anabolic-androgenic steroids, muscle dysmorphia
Nic Groombridge
Nic GroombridgeUniversity of South Wales, Wales
CRIMINOLOGIST; sports criminology, substance use, crime, prevention
Alexandra Hall
Alexandra HallNorthumbria University, United Kingdom
SENIOR LECTURER; pharmaceuticals, lifestyle drugs, drugs policy, criminal law, illicit drug markets
Ingrid Amalia Havnes
Ingrid Amalia HavnesOslo University Hospital and University of Oslo, Norway
ADDICTION SPECIALIST; Anabolic-androgenic steroids, PIEDs, health risks, hypogonadism, biopsychosocial treatment, harm reduction
Aaron Hart
Aaron HartCurtin University, Australia
SOCIOLOGIST; sociology, client outcomes, alcohol and other drugs, performance and image enhancing drugs
Orlanda Harvey
Orlanda HarveyBournemouth University, United Kingdom
PHD STUDENT; anabolic-androgenic steroids, social work, harm reduction
Evelyn Hearne
Evelyn HearneLiverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
PHD STUDENT; older male population, anabolic-androgenic steroids, mixed-methods

Pia Johansson Heinsvig
Pia Johansson HeinsvigAarhus University, Denmark
PHD STUDENT; anabolic-androgenic steroids, wastewater analysis, anti-doping, law enforcement

Kathryn (Kate) Henne
Kathryn (Kate) HenneAustralian National University, Australia
PROFESSOR OF REGULATION AND GOVERNANCE; PIED regulation expert, trends in doping detection and punishment, intersectional and queer perspectives on human enhancement
April Henning
April HenningUniversity of Stirling, Scotland
DOPING/IPED RESEARCHER; image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs), doping, sports, anti-doping, drugs policy
Hans Christian Bordado Henriksen
Hans Christian Bordado HenriksenUniversity of Oslo, Norway
PHD STUDENT; Anabolic androgenic steroids, hypogonadism, endocrine therapy, treatment-seeking behavior, public health
Vivian Hope
Vivian HopeLiverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCHER; image and performance enhancing drugs, infections, epidemiology, responses, public health
Aleksi Hupli
Aleksi HupliUniversity of Tampere, Finland
DRUG RESEARCHER; psychedelics, cognitive enhancers, micro-dosing, visual methods, drugs policy
Samuel Iff
Samuel IffFMH Arbeitsmedizin und Public Health, Switzerland
OCCUPATIONAL PHYSICIAN; Neuro-, image- and performance enhancing drugs (NIPED), occupational health, public health, policy
Michael Johansen
Michael JohansenUniversity of Sunderland, UK
PHD STUDENT; Steroids and Image enhancing drugs, Occupational drug use, Education, Health interventions
Douglas S. Kalman
Douglas S. Kalman Scientific and Regulatory Affairs for The Natural Products Association, USA
VICE PRESIDENT; supplements, nutrition, testosterone, elite sports, public health
Bengt Kayser
Bengt KayserUniversity of Lausanne, Switzerland
EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGIST; (anti-)doping, enhancement, medicine, ethics, philosophy

Joe Kean
Joe KeanBridge Project, United Kingdom
ALCOHOL & ILLICIT DRUG WORKER; image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs), public health, educational training, harm reduction
Niki Kiepek
Niki KiepekDalhousie University, Canada
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR; mood enhancement, non-problematic substance use, non-sanctioned occupations
Kenneth W. Kirkwood
Kenneth W. KirkwoodUniversity of Western Ontario, Canada
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR; steroids, doping, harm reduction, PIED substance use disorder, weight/fat loss medications
Tony Knox
Tony KnoxUniversity of Birmingham, United Kingdom
PHD STUDENT; image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs), anabolic-androgenic steroids, bodybuilding, harm reduction
Rosa Koenraadt
Rosa KoenraadtUniversiteit Leiden, the Netherlands
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF CRIMINOLOGY; sexual enhancers, pharmaceuticals, drug use and supply, criminal law
Willem Koert
Willem KoertDopingautoriteit, the Netherlands
PIED RESEARCHER; doping agents, personality disorders, grey supplements
Alexander Kolliari-Turner
Alexander Kolliari-Turner UK
RESEARCHER; Anabolic Androgenic Steroids, Muscle Memory, Gene Expression, Doping
Jukka Koskelo
Jukka KoskeloDopinglinkki, Finland
DOPING RESEARCHER; doping, anti-doping, performance and image enhancing drugs, fitness, prevention
Lea Trier Krøll
Lea Trier KrøllAarhus University, Denmark
PHD STUDENT; medicine, prescription drugs, students, public health
Jörg Krieger
Jörg KriegerAarhus University, Denmark
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FOR SPORT & SOCIAL SCIENCE; doping, anti-doping, sport history
Lambros Lazuras
Lambros LazurasSheffield Hallam University, UK
PROFESSOR; doping, psychology, emotions, fitness, elite sport, social cognition
Long Le
Long LeDeakin University, Australia
RESEARCH FELLOW; Health economics, economic evaluation, mental health, eating disorders, priority setting
Mikko Lemettilä
Mikko LemettiläA-Clinic Foundation, Dopinglinkki, Finland
DEVELOPMENT PLANNER, DOPING RESEARCHER; doping, anti-doping, fitness, prevention, sports, pharmacy, sports and exercise medicine, performance and image enhancing drugs
Dimitris Liokaftos
Dimitris LiokaftosLiverpool John Moores University, UK
DOPING RESEARCHER; doping, human enhancement drugs, bodybuilding, prevention
Maria Arantzazu Lopez Perez
Maria Arantzazu Lopez PerezJunta de Andalucía, Spain
PHARMACEUTICAL INSPECTOR; pharmaceuticals, medicine, doping, anti-doping, public health
John Mann
John MannDe Montfort University, United Kingdom
CED RESEARCHER; cognitive enhancing drugs, critical discourse analyst, addiction theorist, drug use theorist
Charlotte McLean
Charlotte McLeanLiverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
PHD STUDENT; anabolic-androgenic steroids, muscularity, female bodybuilding, public health
Scott McLean
Scott McLeanUniversity of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW; anti-doping, sports science, artifice intelligence, the Darknet, road safety, Defence
Jim McVeigh
Jim McVeighManchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
PROFESSOR; anabolic steroid researcher, harm reductionist, public health practitioner, public health researcher
Verner Møller
Verner MøllerAarhus University, Denmark
PROFESSOR; elite sport, body cultural extremes, doping, extreme sports, obesity and circumcision
Andy Miah
Andy MiahUniversity of Salford, United Kingdom
PROFESSOR; bioethics, doping, artificial intelligence, life extension, digital
Marie Overbye
Marie OverbyeUniversity of Copenhagen, Denmark
DOPING RESEARCHER; doping, anti-doping policy, TUE, elite athletes, coaches
Arron Owen
Arron OwenCranstoun, United Kingdom
ALCOHOL & ILLICIT DRUG WORKER; alcohol and illicit drugs, anabolic-androgenic steroids, crossfit, harm reduction
Laurie Patterson
Laurie PattersonLeeds Beckett University, United Kingdom
SENIOR LECTURER IN SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY; anti-doping, doping prevention, education, athlete support personnel
Luke Pelton
Luke PeltonSpringfield College, Springfield, MA USA
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR EXERCISE SCIENCE; anabolic steroids, genetics, reproductive health, resistance training
Andrea Petroczi
Andrea PetrocziKingston University London, United Kingdom
PROFESSOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH; weight-loss drugs, medicine, doping, anti-doping, elite sport
Margit Anne Petersen
Margit Anne PetersenUniversity of Southern Denmark, Denmark
RESEARCHER; cognitive enhancement, morality, students, drug use, public health
Tim Piatkowski
Tim PiatkowskiCharles Darwin University, Australia
LECTURER; body image, ,corrections, harm reduction, sport psychology, steroids
Harrison G. Pope
Harrison G. PopeHarvard Medical School, United States
PROFESSOR OF PSYCHIATRY; anabolic-androgenic steroids, mood and body image disorders, public health
Andrew Preston
Andrew PrestonExchange Supplies, United Kingdom
DESIGN EXPERT; injecting equipment, health information, writing/design expert
Frances Quirk
Frances QuirkUniversity of New England, Australia
HEALTH PSYCHOLOGIST; health psychology, mental health, brain health, doping, elite athletes
Stephanie Raymond
Stephanie RaymondUniversity of New South Wales, Australia
RESEARCH FELLOW; image enhancing drugs, Melanotan, tanning drugs, public health
Jonny Rees
Jonny ReesUniversity of Bristol, United Kingdom
LAW AND BIOETHICS ACADEMIC; Doping, Sport, Regulation, Jurisprudence, Public Health
Andrew Richardson
Andrew RichardsonNewcastle University, United Kingdom
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE; image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs), Esports, Anti-Doping, Body Image and Public Health
Mike Salines
Mike SalinesManchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
CRIMINOLOGIST; performance and image enhancing drugs, illicit drug markets, ethnographic methods, drug use
Marcel Scharf
Marcel ScharfUniversity Cologne, Germany
SPORT SCIENTIST; doping, gene-doping, neuro-enhancement, privacy, technology, technology assessment
Kate Seear
Kate SeearLa Trobe University, Australia
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN LAW; alcohol and other drug use, performance and image enhancing drugs, doping, drug law and policy, stigma and discrimination
Mikko Salasuo
Mikko SalasuoFinnish Youth Research Society, Finland
SENIOR RESEACHER; doping, prevalence, youth cultures, leisure time, life course studies
Azenildo Santos
Azenildo SantosIndependent Researcher, Brazil
IPED RESEACHER; image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs), anabolic-androgenic steroids, bodybuilding, doping, harm reduction
Katja Shimko
Katja ShimkoUniversity of Queensland, Australia
PIED & WASTEWATER RESEARCHER; wastewater analysis, anabolic androgenic steroids, selective androgen receptor modulators, liquid/gas chromatography, mass spectrometry
Charlie Smith
Charlie SmithSchool of Business, University of Leicester, UK
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATION; performance enhancing drugs, doping in sports, microdosing, drug sociology, sport sociology
Tom Steele
Tom SteeleCentre for Evidence and Implementation, Australia
IMPLEMENTATION RESEARCHER; implementation science, policy, research, nutrition
Ana Sofia Tavares
Ana Sofia TavaresLisbon School of Health Technology, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
PROFESSOR & INTEGRATED RESEARCHER; performance enhancing substances (PES), fitness, public health, clinical chemistry, epidemiology, education
Honor Townshend
Honor TownshendUniversity of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
PHD STUDENT; criminology, image and performance enhancing drugs, body image, online methods
Jamie Tully
Jamie TullyLiverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
PHD STUDENT; cognitive enhancement, prescription stimulants, students, cognition, public health
Luke A. Turnock
Luke A. TurnockIndependent, UK
RESEARCH SOCIOLOGIST; IPEDs, gym cultures, steroid supply, masculinities
Mair Underwood
Mair UnderwoodUniversity of Queensland, Australia
ANTHROPOLOGIST; human bodies, gender, image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs), ethnography, bodybuilding
Eric Vandenabeele
Eric VandenabeeleFitness.be, Belgium
DIRECTOR FITNESS.BE; doping, anti-doping, clean sport, fitness, prevention
Marie Claire Van Hout
Marie Claire Van HoutLiverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
PROFESSOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY; alcohol and other drugs, human enhancement drugs, tanning drugs, health promotion, public health
Jenny Valentish
Jenny ValentishIndependent, Australia
JOURNALIST ; Substance use, harm-minimisation, harm-reductionist, drug policy reform, sport, sports journalist, PIEDs, anabolic steroids
Daniel Giordani Vasques
Daniel Giordani VasquesUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
PROFESSOR AND RESEARCHER; doping and anti-doping in sports, sociology of sport, leisure, physical educations
Emile B. Veenstra
Emile B. VeenstraFREYR Perform, the Netherlands
PHYSICIAN; anabolic-androgenic steroids, harm reduction, bodybuilding, preventative healthcare
Alvin Westmaas
Alvin WestmaasMaastricht University, the Netherlands
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR; mixed methods, performance and image enhancing drugs, stigma, bodybuilding
Jules Woolf
Jules WoolfUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR; doping, sport management, health, sport performance, education
Renee Zahnow
Renee ZahnowUniversity of Queensland, Australia
CRIMINOLOGIST; crime, disorder, community social processes, resilience, performance and image enhancing drugs, community regulation
Thomas Zandonai
Thomas ZandonaiMiguel Hernández University of Elche, Spain
LECTURER AND RESEARCH COLLABORATOR; psychopharmacology, doping, sports science, drugs, education
Tjeerd Idger de Zeeuw
Tjeerd Idger de ZeeuwMainline, The Netherlands
RESEARCHER/PHD STUDENT; performance and image enhancing drugs, harm reduction, sports, behaviour change, public health
Ekain Zubizarreta
Ekain ZubizarretaUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain
LECTURER; anti-doping, sociology, performance enhancing drugs (PEDs), public policy analysis, implementation
Habil Nils Zurawski
Habil Nils ZurawskiUniversity of Hamburg, Germany
CRIMINOLOGIST; surveillance studies, doping controls, anti-doping, sport politics